Monday, September 8, 2008


i had the previlege of being one the few who are given the chance to tour the premises of camp aguinaldo and have a round table discussion with high ranking officials in Camp Aguinaldo.

After a backgrounder on what the afp really is, we were given the chance to ask questions by the officials. So i took the oppurtunity and asked the general directly about his view on the 2010 goal of the current administration. The goal is to really minimize insurgency in the country com that year. After i finished my question, i saw a weird smile in the face of the official, its not something you always see in the AFP. Then the general started to answer me. I am not going to quote him on what he said but he's answer goes to this effect.." there is a slippage on that goal, we cannot minimize the insurgency by 2010"..the general continued to answer but my ears were not for him anymore, i was srtarting to think about another thing after i heard that answer.

I was asking myself, how come when president arroyo talks about these goals she seems so sure that it can be done?.yet we have generals in the AFP saying that it is not possible. what? isnt this a clear undermining of the people who are credible sources of information with regards to suppressing the insurgents in our country?..if anyone is to speak about when and how we can stop these insurgents from growing,it is the afp.

AFP personnels are the msot credible source of information and they say that the 2010 goal to stop insurgents is not attainable. I felt sad for these people, they are tasked to do something which is i guess impossible for now and before 2010, but they are left with no choice because it is the goal of the administration. They know its not going to be possible but they are still doing it, if time comes(2010) and the insuirgents are still there, who will the people criticize and hate?.its not going to be those who announced the plan..the ones at the end recieving the blame and hate will be the AFP for not being able to do what the administration said was attainable by 2010!!

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